It’s Primary Day in New Rochelle! The polls opened at 6am and close at 9pm. You can find your polling place here. If you didn’t already vote for me early, please take a stand for good government and vote for me today! You know how hard I have worked for New Rochelle and the results I’ve delivered as County Legislator. Thank you to all my voters and everyone who has helped my campaign! I hope to be able to report good news to you tonight! You are making a serious choice about the future of our beautiful and richly diverse City today, but I would like to close with a funny story, MailboxGate: My Fifteen Minutes of Fame on Page 14. I attended New York Covenant Church on May 14 and was invited to say a few words, starting at about 0:57:30 of the video you can find by starting at and then scrolling down to that date on the second page. (Please forgive my mangled citations to Matthew 25:35 and Luke 12:48.) I gave a nice shout-out to County Executive George Latimer, and talked about semi-viral nextdoor and FaceBook posts back in early April. Those posts show me, on a “Ring” door-cam video, accidentally going to the wrong address to pick up an envelope with a ballot petition left for me by Bethesda Baptist Deacon David Peters. (He is also a candidate on the ballot today, for City Council.) Just late last week, somebody tipped off a New York Post reporter to these over two month old posts, including angry comments of the “lock-him-up” variety, but not my subsequent explanations and apologies to, and acceptance, by the homeowner for the honest mistake, all of which I explained, and sent screenshots about, to the reporter who called me. The wonderful folks at the NYP found this newsworthy and put it in their print edition yesterday — the eve of the election. Disappointingly (under the idea “any publicity is good publicity”), the piece was published all the way back at the bottom of page 14 and there was no photo. At least they spelled my name right! As for my view of the value of off-topic stories on social media, I’ve made that clear in the past. But this one was so humorous, I just had to share it with you. By the way, my speech at New York Covenant Church followed an excellent campaign pitch by Deacon Peters that you may also find interesting. With much gratitude, Damon |