The Answer to the $60,000 Question

Background: On Monday, an unprecedented and unexplained campaign contribution of $60,000 to my opponent Yadira Ramos-Herbert’s campaign sparked controversy. The donation was funneled through the Westchester County Democratic Committee and at the time the...

The $60,000 Question Parts 1, 2, & 3

Part 1. June 5, 2023. FYI. I am trying to find out more.Part 2. June 7, 2023. Here’s more press coverage on the unprecedented and unexplained campaign contribution from the County...

HUGE News!

Westchester Legislators Pass Landmark Access to Counsel Bill  Assignment of free attorneys for eligible tenants facing eviction from their homes has been a goal—a dream really—of BOL Majority Leader Chris Johnson and mine since we were first-year County Legislators in...

Local Re-Development and True Crime on Your Dime

 CUI BONO?Pardon my Latin.Yesterday morning’s lengthy article on the massive ongoing housing construction going on in downtown New Rochelle refers to my suggestion that we slow down the process a bit and evaluate who has benefited thus far and who...

A Sorry Story, a Disappointing Delivery

Sorry Story Here is a full and accurate account in the NY Post, by a former local Journal News reporter, about the gross mishandling of a personnel matter by the Chairwoman Catherine Borgia of our County Board of Legislators. All other members of the Board, with...